Today, when we start studying any language (for example: English), we used to study the alphabets and then the grammar of the language. We create the sentence according to the rules of it. We used to think in that way and then create our own sentences. This is found as most used technique of studying any kind of languages in world. I read some of the books on studying and learning any language. The writer has given the same sequence of studying it. I know this is a better way to study it because different languages contain different kind of grammatical rules. If we take example of English against any of the Indian language, we will find that the rules for creating the sentences and using the words as well as phrases are different in these. The rules used by English are totally different than that of any Indian language. So, here grammar will play most important role to study the language. But, in case of an Indian linguist studying another Indian language; the perception differs. For example, a person having mother tongue Hindi want to learn Marathi. He won’t need the concentrate on the grammatical rules because almost more than 90 percent rules of both the languages are same. This is because of originality of the languages. Both languages contain Sanskrit as their origins. Even Indo-Aryan and Dravidian languages have almost same rules in their grammar. So, while learning the languages we must not have to concentrate on the grammatical rules. One Indian can learn any other Indian language easily, only because of this reason. By research, it is found that almost 80 percent of the Indian population knows two Indian languages and they can speak both of these languages fluently. In this case, if we don’t concentrate much on grammar we can learn a language easily.
The first case is to understand that, how someone speak his own language? He / she don’t know the grammar of his mother tongue before speaking it. In the process of learning our mother tongue contains the process of hearing first. We used to hear the language from the birth. Then afterwards we start speaking it and then the process of writing and reading comes. Then why we follow the process of writing / reading first to learn a new language? This is a vital question in the process of learning a new language. Take example of a Marathi child who used to hear and speak only Marathi at his home. But, after watching Hindi channels and Hindi movies, he tries to speak in this language and accomplishes it comfortably. At this stage he doesn’t know the language of Hindi. But then also he used to manage this process. If we apply the same rule for other languages too then it will be manageable to make ourselves multi-lingual.
Just see the syllabus designed for English subject in non-English medium schools in India. They have also followed the same pattern to learn the language. But, does the teacher follows it? In order to learn the language hearing the first process. Then it comes to speaking and then writing or reading. At school level, this factor is ignored. We used to bind to the grammar and its rules for the new language. We used to think in our mother tongue then we translate it into English with the help of the grammar of it. Till tenth standard we used to think with the grammar only. But after that also we did not find ourselves perfect in the grammar of English. This is the tragedy. Instead of it, if we use to hear the language regularly, we will clear with the sentences of the English. I did not learn the English by hearing it only because I was also the part of this process. But, I experienced the actual process with the Spanish language. I know this is the best solution for learning a new language. Can anybody use it…???